Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Personal Coach
Movement is powerful. What is going to move you? What is going to be the catalyst to create far-reaching shockwaves in your life? Allison Stucky is someone who knows and believes in transformation. Stucky will be providing expertise in fitness as well as being another lens through which to view change and progress for clients. Her depth of knowledge fuels innovative approaches and her enthusiasm is infectious. Stucky is a fierce competitor who cares deeply about the human dimension…the heart of a person. Her influence is about body, mind, and soul!
Transformative power exists in connection and community. I’m constantly on the look-out for special people to collaborate with and I’m beyond excited to be working with this amazing human.
“Allison will be working with select college teams and individual clients wanting to move to another level in game and life! “
Hear from Allison in her own words…
My roots lie in Cleveland, Ohio, however, Charleston has been my home since 2019. My passion for coaching began while playing soccer at the University of Illinois. I have been blessed with incredible mentors and role models along the way as my collegiate coaching journey has taken me from University of Illinois to Ohio State University and then finished my D1 coaching at College of Charleston. This path has really been one of self-discovery, full of a lot of highs and lows, failures and mistakes, triumphs, and life-long relationships.

I am passionate, energetic, a bit fiery and fearlessly authentic. My journey has taught me that coaching is my vessel to impact, inspire and empower those around me. Through compassion, connection, and culture, I believe we can bridge the gap between the people we’ve been to the people we want to be. The people we were destined to be. Sweat bonds are a great place to start!
My brand is the culmination of where I’ve been and where I’m going. I hope to embody all that is beautiful and flawed and give you the power to do the same. We are works in progress, constantly evolving, recalibrating, bending, but never breaking. Here’s to sweat, soul and spreading the love.
Where You Find Stucky
Allison Stucky IG: @allisonstuckyy
James Island Fit Body Boot Camp IG: @jamesislandfbbc
Cycle Club Instructor
Fitness & Wellness Coordinator Charleston County
Certifications & Education
SCCC, Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association
NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Adult/Child CPR/AED, American Red Cross
FRCms, Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist
Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences, Kinesiology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Masters of Sport, Recreation, Tourism
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Former NCAA D1 Assistant Coach & Recruiting Coordinator
Former NCAA D1 Strength & Conditioning Coach
Four Years NCAA D1 University of Illinois Soccer Midfielder